Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Back Tribal Tattoos For Men

Back tribal tattoos for men can be one of the sexiest tattoos a man can get. Whether you want an upper, lower, or full back tribal design you can be sure to find your perfect match. Before you jump in the car and head to the tattoo parlor know which tattoos you are interested in first. Browsing through pictures and catalogs of back tribal tattoos for men can help you get an idea of the back designs available for your back.

One of the more popular back tribal tattoos for men is the upper back tattoo. This style of tribal will usually stretch from one shoulder to the other and go down to the bottom of the shoulder blades. You can place any design you want her but the most common seen has swirls and interlocking tribal. Your tattoo shoulder be unique though so if you find a picture of a design you like, think of something you want to add or modify about it to make it your own. This tattoo is also great because it is easily covered for work or school purposes.

Back tribal tattoos for men can also come in the full back tattoo. This design is pretty self explanatory as it covered the entire back from the bottom of the neck to the small of your back. The design options here are simply endless as you have such a huge space to work with. This style is also good if you have a more upscale job because your back is easily covered by work shirts. This option will of course cost you much more money than that of an upper or lower back tattoo, and will sometimes take more than one visit to the parlor to complete.

One of the least common back tribal tattoos for men is the lower back tattoo. Typically this design is more fitted for females, but there are a select group of men who can get them and pull them off. This design is better known as a "tramp stamp" so men tend to veer away from this option.

However, if you are interested in this design be sure you get one that fits your style and personality. Try enlisting the help of your tattoo artist to draw up a lower back tattoo that works for you.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Feminine Lower Back Tattoos Newer

Choosing to get a tattoo is a big decision - especially for women. Because tattooing was traditionally considered a masculine activity, until recently, women who were tattooed sometimes faced social stigma. But tattooing is now something that women can safely do without casting doubt on their femininity, particularly if they choose feminine lower back tattoos.

Feminine tattoos can be almost anything, as long as it's something that is significant to you. The most important thing to remember when you're choosing a tattoo design is that it should be meaningful, because you're going to have to live with your decision for the rest of your life.

You probably have female friends, neighbors, or co-workers who have tattoos. If so, you know that feminine tattoos are incredibly diverse. Many women, for example, choose a type of flower. Roses are especially popular, and so are daisies. These flowers can be easily integrated into a larger design.

Celestial or astronomical images are also popular tattoo styles for women. Stars can be extremely feminine, especially if you have your artist embellish the outline of the shape. Suns and moons are also very popular, because they are flattering no matter where they are placed on the body.

Once you've chosen your tattoo design, you'll need to decide where to get it. Although many women choose to place their tattoos on their hips or ankles, by far the most popular tattoo site for women is the lower back. One reason for this is that the lower back can be covered if you are in a situation where a tattoo is not appropriate.

The other, and perhaps primary, reason that the lower back is popular is because of its sex appeal. By getting a lower back tattoo, you will be sure to catch the attention of all the men in the room. The female back is an especially curvaceous part of the body, and its sultry sex appeal will keep men's gazes fixed on you.

There are other good reasons to choose lower back tattoos, too. If you're not particularly concerned with increasing your sex appeal, remember that you can get a tattoo just to indulge yourself. You should never get a tattoo just to impress someone else.

When you're choosing a tattoo design, be thankful that you have so much freedom! But at the same time, you should give serious consideration to feminine lower back tattoos. They are sexy and sure to attract men, but you can also hide them if you need. Flatter your figure and yourself and choose a lower back tattoo!

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

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