Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Priyanka Chopra honoured at the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival with 'Jin Jue Award'

Priyanka ChopraThis weekend, Priyanka Chopra was invited by the Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) for their closing ceremony on June 21, 2009 where she was presented with the Festival's top award - The Jin Jue Award. This award marks the tenth award for her in the past six months.

The festival's highest honour and main prize is the "Jin Jue" award. It is a symbol of the traditional orient culture, is an ancient Chinese wine container which has a uniquely beautiful shape and a gracefully antique style. Priyanka Chopra was the first Indian actor to be presented with this honour on an international platform for her contribution to cinema.

Says Priyanka Chopra, “I feel very privileged to receive this honor from the Shanghai International Film Festival. As an actor, it is very encouraging to be recognized for your work. For me, an award such as this on such a big international platform gives me an opportunity to present India and our cinema to the world.”

Priyanka was very excited about receiving the award which is the highest honor of the SIFF and was equally excited about her visit to China. She is however hugely disappointed that she was not be able to be there due to a very sudden relapse of a serious stomach infection and was advised by doctors against travelling.

The SIFF is held each year for last 10 years and attracts every year a range of well known international actors and actresses and is the Asian Film Industries mega event of the year. Some of the renowned celebrities who were also present at this year’s ceremony were Isabelle Hupert, Quincy Jones. Ewan Mc Gregor, Michael Rosenberg (Director the Reader), Stephen Daldry, Karen Mok, Lucelia Santos amongst others.

Listed below is the list of awards that Priyanka has received in 2009:

1. Star Screen Awards (Best Actress, Fashion)

2. Lions Club Gold Awards (Best Actress, Fashion)

3. Stardust Awards (Best Actress, Fashion)

4. 10th FICCI Frames 2009 (Contribution to Entertainment)

5. Filmfare Awards (Best Actress, Fashion)

6. Cineblitz Award (Best Actress, Fashion)

7. IIFA Award (Best Actress, fashion)

8. NDTV Profit Car & Bike Awards (Brand Ambassador of the Year)

9. Nielson Box Office Award (Outstanding Contribution to Asian Cinema) presented during the 3rd Annual Asian Film Awards Film Awards held in Hong Kong

10. Shanghai International Film Festival, Jin Jue Award (Outstanding Contribution to Cinema)

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